داستان آبیدیک

compressibility effect


1 هوافضا:: اثر تراکم‌پذیری

In the absence of compressibility effects - that is, if the density of the air remained cone.rut in passing through the cooling element - the pressure drop for either radiators or air-cooled engines is roughly The true total-pressure loss, as corrected for these compressibility effects, is plotted in figure 5 together with tho uncorrootcd valuos. Intercooler internal-flow volocitics, howevor, aro usually quite low and compressibility effects are correspondingly small. application In high-altitude flight, however, the mass flow no longer uniquoly determinos ohp because of compressibility effects, and an extension of tho correlation methods- is needed If the required coolinj oressure is not to bo seriously underestimated. Inasmuch as the charts 01*0 mainly illustrative, no effort was made in their calculation to take into account the temperature and compressibility effects on the pressure drop.

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